Under the Influence

I have been thinking alot lately about influences. The Good, the bad...(the ugly, haha). And how deeply they affect us, whether we recognize it or not. Sometimes we can make the decision to not be affected by these influences and sometimes they're so quiet that you don't notice you're changing. One small compromise at a time and you find yourself across a grand canyon from the person you want to be, or were ( or both ). Life is really in the details. The smallest compromise can trigger a gigantic change inside of you. Because I believe we are deep down logical beings. And one domino knocks over it causes a ripple affect.

One tiny belief poisoned, pretty soon you're gagging and don't know where it started.

Friends are a powerful thing. They can lead to your success in life and they can, in turn, destroy your chances in life also. If you allow it.

In few instances in my life I have seen friendships in my life, in particular, literally just spew poison into my life and I was really deeply emotionally affected by it. The difference between me being a happy person, like I wanted to be, and me being so close to suicide because I was so depressed for reasons I couldn't justify. It was influences. I know it, because once I got rid of those people, I stopped being depressed.

Yes, there's always going to be bad days. What I'm talking about is a pattern. A pattern of affirming proof that your life is circling the drain.

Some other people might say that it's spiritual and that you're being "harassed" by the devil. I choose to not give him so much credit. People do enough damage to themselves and the people around them without the devil needing to be involved. And maybe he likes this, but I doubt in most circumstances it was his "doing". We need to take the responsibility for our actions.

Example: Negativity. Complaining. Gossipers.

People that have nothing nice to say. People that complain about their lives all the time or the people in their lives. People that talk bad about almost everyone in one way or another. These are huge signs of people you should not be hanging out with. They're what I refer to as "toxic". And even if they don't mean to, they will poison your life, because by their words they poison your mind. 

And they poison themselves.

Words. Actions. That's what we're made out of. So, I have to ask myself how I would be defined.


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