More Than This

I feel deeply

I was made to love so much more than this.  

The closest I ever got was looking in the eyes of my babies.  

I had much moreof me to give

If only someone would have wanted me.  

And often I feel wasted.  

I feel an empty shell of myself. 

I waited so long to feel truly loved and appreciated and desired.  

And now I don't even recognize myself. 

I've lived several lives and each time I'm a new girl.  

And the last died never knowing love.  

And I mourn for her.  No one ever knew her well except myself.  

Life feels fleeting 

And I've missed out on so much warmth.   

Good genuine love and passion. 

And nobody knows I sit at night crying.  

Knowing I'm missing out on a key part of life.  

It's an everyday sacrifice I make for the safety of my children.  

To stay where I know I'm not wanted.  

Not in the wholesome, whole body way I deserve. 


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