No Use For You

I have no use for you. 

People who pop into my life when it's convenient for them to. And then disappear just as quickly when it's not all about them.

People who are silent unless it benefits them somehow.

People who only invest initially because they know I'll carry the relationship after that. 

People who have had decades to reach out and have a genuine relationship with me. 

People who think I'm still responsible for carrying the entire relationship even though they're now adults, too. 

People who call me family, but treat me like an optional accessory to their life. 

People who never knew me, but judge me as if we've ever been close.

People who cannot make a concerted effort to be there for my children as I was always there for theirs. 

People who still treat me as if I'm 10 years old and have no knowledge or wisdom to offer them, since their lives have obviously been so successful taking their own stupid advice. 

Self involved, manipulative, emotionally abusive, liars who really only consider themselves in every situation they put themselves into in life. 

And then have the audacity to hold a grudge against you. When you've literally never been an actual participant in their life and vice versa. 

You have no idea who I am and from what I know of you, I don't care to know you either. 


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