My Daily Rant: I'm an Adult

I'm an adult.

If there was ever any doubt about it I have a list that can prove that I am:

  1. I'm 35 years old. 
  2. I have 4, soon to be 5 children. 
  3. I pay bills like a mortgage, water/sewer/trash & electricity
  4. I clean everyday, regardless of if I feel like it

So there is your proof. 

So, I'm an adult. And I want to say that it gets pretty old having relationships where people think they have a right to constantly scold you. They don't treat you like a peer, they don't treat you with respect, they treat you as if you're a child and they know better than you. 

If you're a person that has been accused of this in my life by me this is the reason why I have distanced myself from you, because I'm an adult and I deserve to be treated as one and to not have to worry that I'm going to be scolded like a child by you. I'm not your child and even if you're slightly older than I am, we've walked different paths and I know quite a bit differently than you do. I know quite a bit more than you do about my own life about the things I've been through and about quite a bit other areas because you haven't been through the same things I have. 

I deserve to be treated with respect. And I deserve to be talked to as if you acknowledge that I have something to offer you as far as wisdom just as much as you feel like you have wisdom to offer me. I don't appreciate people who think it's OK to patronize me. Just because I'm not like you doesn't mean who I am is wrong, or childish, or dumb. 

I also don't go into conversations with people assuming I know everything or that their feelings aren't valid. I haven't been through what they've been through and I don't want to get hung up on blaming people for their trials simply because it's the easiest assumption to make, they got themselves into this mess. It may very well be true, doesn't mean it's up to me to treat them as though they cannot or have not done better in life. This is just one small window. 

Being the last of 4 children I have dealt with a lot of disrespect from my siblings. I've had to endure being scolded like a child, for no reason other than they simply feel like they can wield their age over me for the rest of my life. Being older does not equal wiser and it certainly doesn't equal more compassionate. Which also makes me laugh because I've actually been a mother longer than at least one of my siblings, yet I get treated as though I don't know as much. Instead of just talking to me, every conversation is an opportunity for me to be put in my place or given advice even though I wasn't looking for any. This is an issue I notice in quite a few people. They always feel the need to take every opportunity to teach someone something. How about you just talk to people and not constantly offer unwarranted advice to them as if they're coming to you for an imparting of your wisdom? 

It gets old real fast. I'm not calling you to learn something. I thought I was calling to just talk to someone, because I'm adult and I live most of my life surrounded by small people. And here's the thing, it says a lot about how you feel about me as a person. And how little you respect me. And guess what, I don't want to be in relationships with people who don't respect me or like me as a person. I don't need that. Who does? I shouldn't be obligated to keep people in my life that almost seem to go out of their way to try to make me feel bad -- but turn everything on me as if it's my fault. I don't know if you know this but that's actually narcissistic and a sign of a manipulative/abusive personality trait. 

So, I'll end this daily rant the way I started it, I'm an adult I don't need you to mother me. I actually never did because I have a mother. 


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