
Everyone needs at least one cheerleader in life. Everyone needs at least one safe space where they know they're loved and appreciated for who they are, even when they don't love and appreciate themselves, or especially when they can't be their own cheerleader.

You know what's difficult about being in Christian circles is everyone gives you the same advice as if it just fixes all your problems, pray and read your bible. This is kind of a standard thing that is obvious and yeah, I know the benefits of that. But it isn't a cure all. We live in a broken world and there's a reason why God told us to not forsake the brethren. He wasn't talking about a building, he was talking about the community. He was speaking about being family being each other's cheerleaders because when life gets tough we need that to hold onto. We can read inspiring scripture and we can pray and we can talk to God, but we're still human and we still need that human touch and support system. We aren't designed to go without it.

If you try to argue that we are then look at the studies done on the Russian orphans that lived with minimal human touch. We are not designed to be alone because we're not robots and we aren't an island.

I've tried my hardest throughout life to be that cheerleader to others, because I know how awful it can be to feel like everything and everyone just passes you by. Like the parable of the Good Samaritan, life can make you feel like that wounded man that was beaten and left for dead on the side of the road, and so many people just pass you by. They see you're in trouble, they see you're hurting, but they are preoccupied with their own lives or problems and they don't have time to help you out. Life can beat you up, seemingly take everything of value from you, and leave you unable to help yourself.

Everyone needs that Good Samaritan at some point in life. You lay there hoping somebody will have enough compassion to stop and value your life. And not just value your life, but value it over whatever they've got going on. Someone who understands that those things can wait. Sometimes you just need to stop and care for a wounded person.

And there are seasons when you will sow into a life and other seasons when you need someone to sow into yours. And sometimes when you're the one that needs the cheerleader and all you seem to be able to find is people who want to just give you some canned advice, or criticism seriously, which actually can feel like people just kicking dirt at you when you're down.

I wish that I could always be totally zen, happy go lucky, and never feel down trodden. So many people may come into your life when you're going through a season of drought and they can judge you so harshly! It definitely does not seem fair. They don't know you, because we are more than the seasons we live through and we are definitely more than the trials we face.

I have enough critics and haters, I don't need anymore of those. I'm looking for a few good cheerleaders, because honestly that's all I've got room for.


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