Levels of Craziness

I need all of this little boy's teeth to come in, like Now. I don't think I can handle much more of this excessive clinginess he's got going on. It's so bad I can't put him down to use the bathroom, he won't sleep without being attached to me (physically breastfeeding the whole time practically and, people, I can't handle much more of that either), I can't even put him down for naps. It's like he still wishes he was in the womb, nine months later. I'm over it!

This mom needs to be able to clean, cook, eat, use the bathroom, take a shower, and just function in everyday life without a baby screaming because I'm not holding him and catering to him constantly! He has taken his big brother's neediness and just surpassed him to a whole new level I didn't think was possible!

It's a good thing he's so cute. I think that's what God did, He tricked us. He made them cute so they'd survive less patient mothers. I jest.

I love him dearly, but at certain points being a little OCD I need to be able to organize, downsize, clean... live in some kind of order. And I can't do it with a 9 month old attached to my hip, my back, or taking one or both of my arms.

But these years pass quickly, I know. My little baby that was is now seven years old and is tormenting me in new ways... lol and his 4 year old sister is, as well. They're a bunch of fun, though.

If I just had a routine to this craziness. And if the craziness didn't rule my life. That's the deal, isn't it? The right level of crazy? That's what we all strive for, the #1 rule of life, finding balance.

It's no surprise to anyone in my life inside or outside that I have not achieved the holy grail of balance, or even a lesser grail.

On any given day I'm trying to focus and refocus (never ending, like refreshing your browser) my seven year old to do his school work. He's more than a bit ADHD and he needs to constantly be pointed back to what he was doing. Sometimes he's like that giant puppy that can't focus on anything but the ball. So, homeschool is that for us. We roll with the punches and sometimes school doesn't get finished until he's ready for bed because we've literally been dodging and weaving all day.

But it does get tiring. I love homeschooling and I love watching him reach levels, especially after we've taken steps backwards after a much needed break (long breaks are very detrimental to our progress).

And then there's days like today that I wish I had a nanny, or a soundproof room where I could hide. Some days you just need to pass them off and find some place to gather your thoughts, somewhere where you can let the level 10 panic attack slowly drain back down to 1.


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