I have no helpful words of wisdom or advice to give today. In fact, I need to find some for myself.

Frantically searching Pinterest for inspiring quotes about how to deal with two children who are obviously hell bent on scraping the very last molecule of patience you have to give down to the bone of you. I'm reading articles on 'How to be a better parent', because I am obviously failing here.

I need to be away from them. Away from everyone. I need a beach somewhere where all I can hear is the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. I am imagining a beach chair that I'm lounging on under a giant umbrella with my feet in the sand. In fact the only thing I'm doing is just sitting there, cold drink in hand, with my eyes closed. I'm enjoying the silence. Because I literally want to hear nothing. I want to think nothing. I want, for just a few days, hours, moments to be nothing.

I don't want to be anything to anyone.

Pregnancy exhaustion is unlike any other -- especially when on top of the normal harassment you deal with (achy joints, braxton hicks contractions, the giant bulge that makes it impossible to bend over or get up from any position, the hunger, etc) you get to also be deprived of not being itchy 24/7. So itchy, in fact, that you are tempted to skin yourself for relief -- and sometimes you accidentally do with the constant scratching with random objects (my favorite is my boars hair hairbrush).

I'm so tired I have zero patience to deal with even the slightest bit of argumentative, snotty, children who can't seem to even get along with each other. So, they're in their bedroom and I'm pretty sure they will either end up beating each other senseless or learning how to deal with each other on their own. Either way I'm not having to chase them down from completely destroying one room after the other.

But I'm out. I seriously don't get a moment of silence -- peace -- I can't, even when husband comes home, have a solitary hour or two to just cry in the shower, use the bathroom without visitors, or watch a TV show and actually hear what is being said because I don't have two children talking over everything trying to get my attention.

Nothing is as terrible as when you're going off of -10 hours sleep. There's so much to do - no money to do it with - and absolutely devoid of any energy or flexibility (mobility) to do it, either. I'm being put in this corner to figure out how to survive ...I feel like I'm being tested and I feel like I'm failing lol.


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