Pregnancy Complications

It's amazing how a few tiny symptoms in pregnancy can either make your life or break it, for the most part. You are going along doing your thing and then all of a sudden, Bam! you can't sleep, you're scratching constantly, and your energy levels have seriously dropped -0. Not to mention that once small portion of patience has now almost completely dwindled because it's hard to think much less think while you're listening to any length of whining, complaining, arguing, etc {that children tend to do}.

You hit that point in every pregnancy when you're just done and really need it to be over so life can go back to some kind of normalcy.

My issue? I get a complication during pregnancy called ICP {Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy}, a fancy term for basic liver dysfunction. My liver cannot keep up with the cleaning of my body and the babies, so the bile acids start to leach out into my skin cells causing unrelenting itching all over my body. There are times when the itching persists so badly that it wakes you up from sleep, in my opinion that's a pretty powerful itch. Although it doesn't seem to take much to mess with my sleeping at this point in pregnancy, usually just trying to turn over is enough of an aggravation that I'm fully awake by the time I get to the other side....there has to be a joke in there somewhere.

The misery is, well miserable, but still bearable. The part that is unbearable are the possible side effects of the liver not doing it's job, like the possibility of preterm labor {I'm only 30 weeks at this point}, complications after labor like hemorrhaging, and a slight increase in the possibility of stillbirth. Yes, the last one is the one that mainly concerns me.

It's amazing that one organ can mean so much. It really hones in the point God makes about the body of Christ and the function of each part being so extremely vital to the whole.

What am I doing to keep the symptoms at bay? Well, until my next Doctor appointment I'm going to be: Drenching myself in water - keep my system flushed, Drinking lemon water - lemon is extremely good for cleaning, Taking my vitamins religiously, and Not eating late at night - also trying to stay away from foods high in fat and sugars. All of these things increase your liver function, the less it has to compete with - or work around, the easier it will be for it to do it's main job, cleaning my body.

And I guess until then I'll be doing way less around the house than I'm used to, Idk how I'm going to live with that because even at this point it's the basics...argh.


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