Take Control

I have spent a lot of time in the last couple years researching, reading, mulling over youtube videos and creating very specific Pinterest boards for my projects. I've literally soaked my eyeballs in DIY tutorials in hopes that one day I would be able to actually start these projects.

Now, I'm sitting here laughing at myself for this way of thinking.

With two children, pregnant with my third that will be here sometime in October, and an otherwise busy life I find myself wondering what these things called projects are. Because in my eyes projects are folding laundry, picking up the same dishes I could of sworn I'd washed moments before from being scattered all over the house, the piles of shoes, toys, sweeping {are children literally made of dirt!?}, vacuuming {sometimes steam cleaning the spills and/or accidents up off the carpet}, folding, washing, drying, cooking, and now we've added in school regularly. I don't have this free time for extra projects. What is this fictional thing called free time?

Even at this moment I'm having to bark orders to my two children who have already started in heavy this morning destroying the little pieces of cleaned house I had left. I find myself overwhelmed.

I know it's a struggle always for parents, we are after all training our children; they don't come out ready made {I keep reminding my husband of this}. We as parents are teachers regardless of if we want to be or not it's our job. Daily, tirelessly, teaching our children how to be productive human beings. I haven't found the secret yet.

But what I'm really here to talk about is this illusion we all tell ourselves that eventually there is a time in space where things will be easier to accomplish. The lies we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better like
when I have a treadmill I will run everyday because it will be easier to run/walk while my kids take their naps! 
I have said this one and now I have a treadmill that is a dirty blanket holder in my living room {it's being moved to a new home downstairs to make room for a crib}.

Or how about this lie...

Everything will be so much easier when I'm finally a stay at home mom because then I'll have all this free time to do my projects!

Yeah. Whatever.

Okay, I have to give myself props because I am pregnant and don't exactly have unending amounts of energy like I usually do and I can't carry heavy items or just work myself bare anymore. So, I'm extremely limited in the time I have to actually do hard labor everyday. I move slowly, I tire quickly, and I am definitely low on BS tolerance.

But I think it's funny that we tell ourselves these things like somewhere our lives will get easier, less complicated, and we'll just magically do the things we've been wanting to do all along.

Life doesn't get easier, it doesn't get less complicated, less chaotic, and when it does all you want is the chaos back.

We have to learn to live and by live I mean actually move around by our will in this tornado not just get whipped around like a rag doll. I need to take control of my days, my hours and minutes. Not let the overwhelming feeling take my power away from me.


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