Pain With A Purpose

Every now and then I get a hankering to read old posts, poems, etc. It serves to remind me where I've come from, who I was at different points in life. And to remember I wouldn't change anything I did.

In the grand scheme of things it's really hard to tell sometimes which are the mistakes and which were the saving graces that we found along life's paths, because many times they look like each other; they're in disguise. We see such a tiny speck of our life, always through tinted glasses; almost magnifying glasses. We peer in at details, at what seems so important at the moment but ten minutes down the road may not have much significance at all.

We're ants trying to control the universe, sometimes carrying burdens 100x our own body weight. Don't you ever get tired of trying to figure everything out? I do.

I get tired of trying to figure out what is going on. And sometimes even what's the point of it all.

What is the point of it all? lol I think that changes daily. You decide.

Sometimes the thing you thought was what ruined you is what actually carved you into something beautiful. The tidal wave that wiped you clean, but felt like devastation. Or the wounds that you earned from a horrible battle. Sometimes you're fighting a war and you don't even know who the real enemy is. Who are you fighting?

We can't blame everything on the devil, we give him far too much credit. We are far too talented at battling our shadows.

Not everything is about winning and losing. Sometimes it's about surviving and being reminded by those horrible wounds that someday become scars, to tell the stories of what we've been through. Sometimes scars are like parables, or psalms, they may not have the same meaning for everyone you tell but they will always always tell a story and the few right ears they fall on are enough.

Some of my scars are my most prized possessions. I have learned over many lessons that there are things worth putting weight on and there are things to let blow away like chaff on the wind. There are battles that are worth fighting and there are ones that you fought that later felt like a waste of time; you should of walked away much earlier.

My instincts have definitely grown and now I know when to move on. I have listened and heard the voice of God so many times in life, sometimes only following a whisper is the scariest dark ride of your life; but later you see hesitation could mean death. God always moves you for a reason.

Relationships die. Passions die. They're meant to. Sometimes what's looks best turns out to be poisonous and what felt like poison actually saved your life.

Don't judge life and decisions based on how they feel, feelings can be so unreliable. Keep quiet, hear God and I guarantee somewhere down the road you will be so thankful for the heartbreak that lead you down the path you needed to be. And all that pain had a purpose.


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