We Can't Stop

My husband doesn't understand.

I think it has to do with not growing up around children, or possibly never paying attention, or maybe both? But he seems to think you can stop in the middle of a project with children, sit down, turn on the TV and eat a meal in front of them and everyone will continue cleaning without him. 

Sometimes I feel like asking him if he's on medication that I'm unaware of...

What actually happens is everything stops.

The whole shebang stops turning. And all progress is now regressed. Now instead of a room being cleaned, it is instead being re-dirtied. It's not a word, I made it up, but I'm OK with it.

They start pulling the toys out of the boxes we were putting them in to play with them, because HEY if Daddy is sitting down "playing" why can't I? 

My husband doesn't understand. You have to keep the momentum with children. You can't just stop. If you have to stop and eat, then do it in the kitchen where the 2 children can't see you stopping. Or hey, maybe they're hungry and would like a meal as well? I think because men aren't physically attached to the children ever that it's harder for them to remember their needs exist as well. If your tummy is hungry chances are the small humans tummies need a refill as well, same goes for thirst.

OK I admit I am also like the children. If you stop my momentum, it is just about impossible to get this ball back rolling. Hence why I am sitting down at the computer writing a blog post while I hear the TV running downstairs and the children have now dispersed through out the house to destroy what little dignity this poor home has left.


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