Invest in yourself

How do you know how you feel is normal?

Is it age? Is it a disease? Is it lack of exercise and eating healthy? Or is it just apart of getting older?

What am I supposed to feel like?

This is the question I'm having to ask myself right now. Is it worth getting some testing done to figure out if maybe all these little things I thought were normal and just annoying are actually symptoms of something that's not normal? The bigger picture.

I guess that's apart of being an adult lol, getting a check up at the doctor just to make sure nothing is out of the norms.

At the age of 29 It has become painfully clear to me that your body doesn't last forever and at some point the breaking down starts happening. You can find yourself diseased and failing. How do you avoid it?

OR try to avoid it... since there's no such thing as 100%.

I guess it's the same as with anything else, you have to work at it and make deposits early in life to assure that later on, your bank is full of the right investments.


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