
What is with the domino effect? I mean, isn't it enough to have one thing go wrong? The world is a house of cards and every slight wind effects the entire structure, it's a known fact. One slur can pummel us all.

It never changes. This month we've already had to deal with a montage of mishaps and currently they're piling up in the "bills due" file.

  • 1st disaster struck us at the hot muggy part of June, our compressor blew in our heat pump. Thank the Lord we were covered by our Home Warranty, but it still left us with $75 fee to have the guy come out {for 5 whole minutes} and $240 fees that aren't covered by the warranty for us to shell out which were definitely on the unexpected expenses cover sheet {Might I also mention that it has been 90 degrees in my house for the past 2 weeks!}. 
  • The 2nd disaster struck us when a few days later my husband's PlayStation Blu ray laser went out which is going to cost us another $100 and some change to fix. 
  • The 3rd was when my husband's phone bit the dust a mere 3 months before our contract was up with our carrier, so they charged us $72 to buy out the rest of our contract and then $50 for a new phone {which is far better than the possibility of paying full price for a new phone}, still $120 of yet more unexpected expenses. I'm just praying at this point that my brakes don't go out or my husband's tires don't blow. 

That leaves us with a whopping $535 of fees we really weren't planning on. I'm beginning, at this point in adulthood, to hate surprises.

It feels like you dig yourself out of a hole just in time to have someone else filling it in over your head. I've got dirt on my head.

But this is life in all it's fullness. The epic in between of expenses that you're required to upkeep in order to live in this world. You only need food, water, and a roof. It sounds simple, yet to have all of those things there is a giant marionette performing behind them making sure they move and dance for you. All of those things require work { a job of some sort }, which requires a car, which requires gas, which requires money, which requires a job. The giant circle of irony comes right back to bite you in the butt.

If only we didn't need to eat, or drink, or sleep.

We pay in, but do we ever wonder at the cost of all the things we take out of life? What we get in return for those small fees is life and the more you pay in the more full it is. You pay hospital bills and in return you get a baby, which never stops giving to you {and taking, lets not forget the selfish nature of babies lol}. But an everlasting endless supply of love and adoring and support.

So, although life hits us with a pitch to the eye sometimes it just lets you remember to keep your eye on the ball and put up that glove. I have to stop with the mentality that there is any such thing as "extra" money. What a falsehood! All money is accounted for...unless you're rich, and then you can pretend a little more that it isn't.

But while I sit here and contemplate my expenses I also am very happy to say we are prepared for these expenses, even though they suck, I don't have to cry and moan over not having the money to fix my a/c or have my husband go without a phone. I'm fortunate, I'm blessed. God always takes care of us.


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