
It occurs to me that the choices we make in life have this amazing power in our lives to decide who we will be tomorrow.

You think about these things all the time and I know I've heard it thousands of times over my lifetime about how your decisions and your thoughts decide the person you will be, but then one day it really sinks in how you can either allow tragedy and failure to transform you or how it can, if allowed to fester, deform you.

The difference? Rising above. The people around you. Allowing yourself to let things go.

I've been watching a lot of River Monsters and one thing you see time and time again is he always lets the fish go. He isn't there to keep it forever, he wants to see it, feel it, and then let it go. Monsters can change us, they can make us better, they can widen our scope. We can be people with a broader perspective. We don't have to keep the monsters. We can let them go.

Your group of loved ones surrounding you can really effect your ability to bounce back in life. To shrug the toxins off. {To not be bitter}. How? I know from personal experience that laughter always helps. Don't feed the monster. Don't allow them to stay in the deep water and drown in it. I think sometimes the company you keep will either allow you to swim away with a scar but mostly unharmed, or eventually become the monster. Positivity is so important. Will you choose to see the good?

That doesn't mean that people don't need to talk about their issues. Talking helps too. But don't dwell too long in the dark or you may forget how to see in the light. Sometimes having someone available to listen does more than the actual talking. Knowing you have an ally.

It isn't all sharks in the water. They're not all predators. There are people out there that love you and would do anything for you. It's good to be reminded of that.

Accountability. Allow yourself to trust someone that can keep you accountable. Keep you above the water.

I've been in deep water before, dark places where I was so tempted to just sink in. So this advice comes from someone who really needed all of these things. People can survive on their own, but then they get so used to alone it becomes unnatural to be with people. To trust people with themselves. Even though I don't mean to I'm secretive and shut off. I'm extremely private with my feelings. My true feelings. I don't let people see that part of me, the soft part that feels so deeply.

If you love someone keep them accountable to let you in. Let them know you're not afraid of their monsters and you'll love them regardless of how ugly they think they are when they're overcome. We all get ugly when we're overcome.

Laugh. Find the ironic things funny instead of annoying. Change your mind. It doesn't have to be tragic.


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