Dreams and Illusion

It's funny sometimes how you have this all important dream or goal and you kind of think it's your thing and before you can realize this other people close to you go out and kind of get that dream too and then you're like hey, that's my dream. Yeah. I've literally had those moments where I'm like, since when did you start loving that? As if I have a monopoly on it. lol And then because I'm childish I start looking at their progress in their dream and start judging myself by what they're accomplishing. As if we're the same person. Although our dreams maybe the same, I will get to mine differently than yours. I will even accomplish mine differently. My road won't be paved the same as yours and in the end the two dreams probably won't look alike at all. You can't box people up in a categorical definition. Everyone has their flare to add to life which is what makes it beautiful. I want to pursue my dreams without having this pressure to perform like others. I'm not a monkey. Why do I put this corset on myself squeezing all of the independence right out of me? It's this pressure to behave like everyone else, to be like everyone else, to look like everyone else. Even when that's not even what I want. I don't want to be like others. But there's still that twinge I feel every time I feel alone as if I've put myself in a corner. We all feel this need to compare ourselves to everyone else to track how well we're doing in life. As if success comes in one package. Even if you made the exact same moves, wore the exact same things, said the exact same things as others your life would not turn out the same because you are a different person. Life will be different for you. You can think you're doing everything right and then wake up 10 years later and realize you have come closer to doing everything wrong. And there are moments when I know exactly what I want I just have no idea how to implement the plan. Or you're too afraid to make the first step. You feel inadequate, unprepared, under-qualified. That's how I feel. I want to be 100% before I show myself to the world. Unfortunately that won't ever happen if I don't practice. Dreams will always stay dreams if you're not willing to put them out into reality. And then they're more like an illusion.


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