Gradual Insanity

I will be so relieved when I finally have internet at home and i don't have to deal with auto correct. I'm almost 29. This comes as a hard blow for someone who took the Peter pan vow to never grow up, I must of realized somewhere in my mind that I've always been a grown up in my head it was bound to leak out into my body. But in all honesty I still remember the little me. She's hiding in my mind reminding me that I'm almost 30, the age that ends your youth. She's mean. And I jest saying my 30th birthday will be spent with the drapes closed as I wrap myself in a black tarp and eat a whole cake pan of brownies, maybe I'm not really jesting because that sounds good. I'm 29, but I'm still young at heart, (Isn't that something old people say?!) I believe these could be my best years because I don't even care half as much as i used to about what others think of me. I'm not gorgeous, my body has been through two pregnancies and labors and as such is considered a survivor of a holocaust magnitude event, and it surprisingly has held together pretty well....with some very fine tuning I could look 40 LOL jk. I won't cry too much. Just don't expect me to go down without a fight. Expect a rash decision or two to be made.


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