
I am not normally a fan of blue jeans. I never understood the "I love jeans" mentality, mostly because I can never find a pair of them that fit right and look good. Well, today I did and I am understanding for the first time in my life why some people love jeans. I have a hard body to fit, I'm tall, long legged, long torsoed, and have some lovely "child-bearing" hips on me, and also wear a larger size. So either I find really huge jeans or really tight jeans, apparently I'm always "in between sizes". Jeans that companies felt the need to "insert" fake hips into so they're all baggy at my sides, or cut off circulation in the crotch area (not great). OR my personal favorite, the legs shrink in the dryer so I end up sitting and having pants above my ankles ( or sometimes even while standing.) It is frustrating. Some people don't even have to try on clothes, they get their size and go home and they fit perfect; I have to try EVERYTHING on and may come out of the dressing room with 1 item that fit well and looked attractive on me. Yes, I'm not a stick. So maybe that's my problem?

Overweight people kind of get crapped on in more than one way. I'm not excusing my "out of shape" figure, it's just I have to have clothes that fit me even while trying to better myself. I'm thinking larger people shouldn't have to wear tents just to walk around covered. And alot of the clothes I end up buying sometimes feels like it, you buy them to fit and then after worn once they are so baggy that they're falling off (cheap).

What is it with quality these days? It is almost impossible to find good quality clothing!? It's on my last nerve. I used to buy like everything at Old Navy, I can't shop there anymore because everything fits weird and then it shrinks when you wash it and then stretches out when you wear it. All the shirts look like "shapeless" masses and the pants are way too tight in all the wrong areas and then stretch out to where they don't fit you after being worn. Don't get me started on Walmart, I don't shop clothing there anymore.

Maybe for the most part it does come down to that my body is hard to fit because there aren't alot of good parts to accentuate. I guess I can't blame that on designers.

So, I bought a pair of $30 jeans. I wouldn't normally spend that on any clothing item, but I really needed a pair of nice pants that I could wear in life and to work that fit properly and didn't look like a hand me down. Plus they fit amazingly. There was another pair that fit even better, but they were over $50 and you would have to burn me at the stake before I would spend that on one pair of pants. Especially when I'm in a transitional body figure. (trying to lose weight, hoping to lose weight...)

That one pair of pants made me feel amazing. I looked good. I didn't feel like a picaso painting anymore. I had shape, but good shape. I painted my toenails and even found an inexpensive purse on clearance that I kind of felt like a new me! I did my hair and felt a little more complete.

It's funny. I'm strong, independent, self sufficient, not vain and very often go weeks without a scrap of make up or hair style... but there is something wonderful about feeling feminine. Having the option of feeling feminine. Not feeling backed into the corner having to give up small luxuries like your favorite face cleansing kit because you can't afford it. It really is small things like a new pair of pants that can renew your sense of self and worth.

It gives me even more reason to find that strength and work towards my own personal body goals so that I can feel this way more and more often... feeling good in your skin, it's probably one of the most key feelings every woman should have. It allows us to function on a higher level for everyone else in our lives. :)

So, it is true that sometimes taking time out and spending a little money on yourself is helping others as well. When you feel good, you don't have any problem making others feel good too.


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