The Bathroom

I have a curse. Some may think it's funny and well, actually, it is. Although it is still very traumatizing for me.

From a young age I had it lurking at my back.

The bathroom curse.

At the ripe old age of only about 12 I was innocently using the bathroom when my mother and our real estate agent walked into the would think seeing someone on the toilet would be enough to close the door. But no, she just stood there, laughing. And the real estate agent, not only a stranger, was a man.

This was when I discovered the art of locking and RE-locking the bathroom door.

The next, I shall refer to them as "incidents", happened when I was pregnant with Ryley and working at Hallmark. I really had to go. So, I patiently waited until the store was cleared before I snuck to the back room past the back door that stated very clearly "Employees Only Do Not Enter" and into our own private bathroom... On the toilet and WHAM! In walks a GUY. I screech "What are you doing in here!?" He slams the door and bolts. I whipped up my pants and ran after him, but he was nowhere in sight.

This was when I became so paranoid that I began "watching" the bathroom door with my arms ready at any moment to cover myself.

It didn't happen again until I was at work pumping (breast milk, anyone who has done this knows exactly how exposed you are) on one of my 15 minute breaks and in walks Mike. The only male assistant Manager in my store. Luckily I screeched before he made it all the way in the door....

This was when I began "seeing" people walk in on me so if anyone walks passed the door outside of the bathroom I'm freaking out and my heart starts racing.

You would think this would be enough...But no. The curse continues.

The last time (knock on wood) it happened I was in Boston, MA on vacation visiting my family and I was having my first shopping experience at IKEA. I went to use the bathroom, I locked the door and sat down to do my business... and in walks a woman... atleast this time it was a woman, I suppose.

I just can't catch a break. Even when I lock the door they still get me.

Maybe it's a lesson in privacy. God's trying to loosen me up. IDK.

But no matter what I'm going to continue to lock and re-lock and guard the door in all my paranoia lol.


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