The Snuggler

I love snugglers. But sometimes snugglers become smotherers. It is exhausting having people that need you for everything and I'm not just talking about babies, although that is exhausting as well. That's why God designed the family unit, because everyone is supposed to take care of everyone. Not one person is supposed to be "all". Because not one person has "all" of it together all of the time.

People get used to you having a never ending supply of everything for them.

I do not have a never ending supply of everything and I've come to the point where I'm running dry and need a refill.

There seems like there isn't enough time in each day for all the things that should get done and so it feels selfish to take time for myself when so much of my time is already taken away from my kids. And beyond selfish, I miss them when I'm away from them so I really don't want to be away from them. I wish there was a way I could do things for myself with them. But I guess it would defeat the purpose.

I am a snuggler, so I'm very happy to see that my children reciprocate with me what I have implanted in them from day 1... love is something you can see and feel. It's an action and a learned reaction.

This is the way I will love... I will find the time to be good to myself, so I can be good to others... never ending.


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