
Ok. So I was thinking to myself about relationships...again.

If I wasn't here.

Would you miss me?
Would you miss my smell?
Would you miss my laughter?
Would you miss what I bring to your life?


Would you miss...
that your laundry isn't clean,
the dishes aren't done and there is no clean dish left,
there is no food in the house,
you're sick of spagetti and pizza because that is all your cooking expertise,
you're going crazy because you're solely in charge of the kids,
the cars are falling apart because I'm not around to schedule regular maintenance,
there's trash all over because I am not here to pick it up,
your kids have no clothes that fit them,
no bills get paid and/or you would have no idea what our budget is or when things are due,
there's no firewood on the porch because I didn't refill it,
you're spending way more money on things because I was the one who researched everything before buying,
and your life direction would end in retail sales.

What impression am I leaving on life? Am I just a worker? Or do I do my work with personality and with a print that will last far after I'm gone? What am I imprinting on the people in my life?

God loves a cheerful giver. I'm giving my time and my life, I need to do more than do it well... I need to do it cheerfully. How did I forget this?


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