The future is unclear. The only thing that is certain is how you will live your moments, one at a time. I think the key is to keep them as "unconnected" as possible. This moment is alone, it's precious. I imagine them like bubbles floating aimlessly in the air.

1. Love more, leave everything else in the bubble behind me.   Nothing else is worth my mind space.

2. Treat life's obstacles as life's adventures, in spirit and action. How can we solve this? Make it fun for my kids to climb the mountains in life, being an adult and having responsibilities shouldn't be grueling. It should be a joy to learn what God has set aside for us in life. In every task that must be done, there is an element of fun! You find the fun and SNAP! The job's a game! And every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake. A lark. A spree. It's very clear to see, that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...in the most delightful way! - Mary Poppins

3. Smile. Laugh. Play games. Use my imagination. My children deserve the girl I was before I grew up and started seeing life as a game I couldn't win.

4. Organize my life. The important things require time set aside, or they fall through the cracks.

5. Garden. Life requires essential ingredients, one being diligence. I'm not good at gardening, therefore I must perservere until I master something I believe is important to know. Growing your own food is essential for independent survival in an unclear world.

6.  Exercise. This is not just about wanting to have my old body back. This is about keeping my sanity people. I have, as many married mothers working full-time, alot on my mind and I'm responsible for alot in every moment of my day is filled with words...and noise...and needs...and I am a forgotten person. Inside I'm a crazy person sucking her thumb rocking back and forth mumbling things from Alice in Wonderland trying to make sense of my madness. I need to work out. I need music. I need myself back, thank you very much.

7. Demand romance. This is pretty self evident.

8. FEEL pretty. Yes, I'm a mother of 2. Yes, I will be 28 this year. Yes, that is old. But. I used to be sexy and damnit I will be sexy again. And when I look in the mirror I will say to myself. 28? You are a liar. ;)

OK. So I have alot of resolutions. It's ok. Because I'm pretty good at keeping my word. In fact it's one of my strong suites. Watch me.


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