You won't, If you think you can't

I am very rarely over-taken by the feeling of defeat. Sometimes I feel like hard work is futile, but for a while I have just had this "If I believe it, it will be" attitude. I don't ever believe that you can't control the outcome, sometimes unforseeable circumstances happen and life hands you a raw deal...but that doesn't mean that the gold won't be waiting at the end of the rainbow... you may just have to put up with a little more rain than you had wanted. Not the end of the world.

I prefer to believe that with God all things are possible. And hard work. And perserverance. And generally life goes alot smoother with a good attitude about downfalls.

Having less money than you'd like is not a tragedy, however. So I cannot pretend that I'm beating something seriously depressing. :)

Sometimes it's just that extra push at the end that makes the difference. Kind of makes me think of childbirth. Adulthood is this long labor, constantly trying to make your dreams appear after months of life sucking growth lol...I have a dream that I won't always have to "dream".

I dream big. Because I believe that I can. But I do get tired of certain defeated people always telling me what I can't do. Although, I do enjoy proving them wrong. I will, because I want to and I believe that God wants to help us fulfill our desires. He wants success for me more than I could possibly want it. And I believe that people get in the way of their own success by believing that it can't happen, you defeat yourself before circumstances even get a chance to. It's really annoying.

I feel like shaking them and screaming "You won't! If you think you can't!" Maybe I will.... shake them, that is.

And in all honesty sometimes people only dream as high as their parents dared to fly, THAT is a tragedy. Because you end up carrying around a generational satisfaction with the mediocre, and to me that's as deadly as heart disease or cancer. You just give up and believe that you can only do "this" much and generally you will because you will never strive for more than that standard.

I've noticed children usually push limits to see where the ceiling is, in almost every way. So, set high standards for your children in every avenue so they will continue to rise to meet them...and exceed them. I'm not saying to be unrealistic, I'm not saying you should ever make your kids think they aren't good enough if they aren't geniuses...but they should know that anything they dream of is very much possible if they're willing to put their back into it. Determination is so very important when it's steered in the right direction.

So, do me a favor. Believe you can so I can stop being annoyed by your cloud of defeatedness. Don't rain on my parade.


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