A walk

We took our first walk today with Brennan. She was snuggled up tight in Ryley's stroller wrapped up in blankies so the sun wouldn't get on her. I am shocked that she stayed asleep, considering there's more rock than dirt on our roads, makes me think of a line from an old song sung by Bob Hope from "Pale Face"... "My bones denounce the buckboard bounce and the cactus hurts my toes". But she slept on, inspite of the bouncing and Ryley and I had fun throwing rocks into the stream...

It's interesting to see now with a 2nd child the things you could do with one that you can't quite accomplish with two. Like mowing the lawn, for instance, you can have one kid ride with you, but you can't very well have two on your lap. Although it's fun to see how many things Ryley is learning to do on his own, like make his own bath, he even knows to drain it and get a towel :) when he's done. I appreciate the fact that he still wants to be babied though. It's a good reminder to me some days that he's still only 3, no matter how grown up he acts sometimes, and needs plenty of snuggling and babying from us.


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