Take that, Life

So, tighten your belts up people. It looks like our economy is for a bit of a tumble this summer. How can it help do anything but tumble with soaring gas prices? At a certain point people won't be able to afford to go to work.

But you may not realize how much more you can cut yourself back on things. That's where I was at a couple months ago, until I had an epiphany (again) about the difference between want and need. Your body really only needs certain things to work properly and things like snack foods, juice, and junk do not apply. How much further can we cut back? We're going to see, because as of now that is my new new year's resolution. To go into complete survival mode now so that we know how to live on the nitty gritty, so if it comes down to it we will already be there. We'll already be trained to deal with less. Live on less.

I actually thrive living on less than I do having extra. For some reason I've been given that ability, I'm thankful for it. I've been given the gift of handling stress well.

Because of this pregnancy I haven't been sleeping well lately, so when I wake up in the middle of the night it helps me get back to sleep to think about my problems and come up with solutions. And God gives me a lot of good ideas in the middle of the night.

One day at a time He is slowly giving me a plan, back up plan, just go down the alphabet lol A, B, C, D. When something fails, he gives me another option.

Four years ago I never would have guessed that getting out of debt would of been such a huge ordeal. I knew we would have to sacrifice and work hard and be faithful in the little amounts, but I never thought that our economy would take such a dive at the most inconvenient times and that prices would raise across the board only making things that much more difficult. Life comes back to challenge you, sometimes in places you thought were sacred. And then you find that on earth it's becoming to where nothing is sacred anymore.

Maybe that's why things are getting that much harder, our lack of preservation for the sacred.

But God willing one of these days these struggles that we find ourselves in will be stories that we tell our children and hopefully I can raise my children better taught to never get themselves into the kind of messes I have created for myself.


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