
Let's go back to the beginning. A very good place to start.

I'm conveniently not the person you want me to be. And I blog alot about my life, although I try to be as vague on personal details as possible and since I generally don't talk to people about things going on in my life that involve other people, it's almost impossible to betray the privacy. Atleast I try my best to keep the privacy of details. :)

I'm allowed to feel, to react, to be frustrated and talk about it.

Although I try to be as tasteful in my rants as possible, I have occasionally vented and later deleted the posts because I felt like I had said too much... one of those occasional downfalls I have. It's unfortunate, but I try to cool off before I start writing anything or not post anything under diress (spelling?), although like I pre-stated....I have a few oopsy moments.

I guess I should try to be more vague. But I won't apologize for feeling the way I do.


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