The Name Game

I suppose it was naive of me to think that this time would be different than the last and I wouldn't get annoying harassment over my name choices from certain individuals, namely the few that think they're the only ones that have the right to choose their children's names without persecution and mockery.

So, here it comes. I guess I have no choice but to keep my final name choice a secret, because I don't feel in the mood to have any part of this pregnancy ruined by having to deal with the annoying repitition of hearing that my sons name is feminine and my daughter's name choice is masculine and people will get them confused! And call my son my daughter's name!

I didn't make a peep over their children's name choices even though I didn't particularly like them, because it wasn't my place to give unwanted rude opinions that you know are offensive. And it isn't because I'm "sensitive", it's because they're offensive remarks that anyone in my place would have been upset about. Making fun of people's name choices is an insult to not only the person choosing them, but the precious baby on it's way. It's a personal process and it's one of those things that should be dealt with with tact. Not insensitive remarks, repeatedly.

Don't think it's ok to make fun of me because my process of name choosing is more particular than yours, or because I care about name meanings. I don't have the same taste as you, but you know what, I shouldn't have to! I am an individual with my own individual personality, likes and dislikes.

I'm not ultra feminine, never have been. I don't need a girl frilly pink and purple girl name to give to my daugher, it doesn't mean she's gonna come out a dyke. My son isn't going to be gay just because you happen to know alot of girls with his name. And you know what, you're the ONLY ONE who made fun of his middle name. What great family.

Yeah, I'm venting. And I hope you read this...because I'm done with it. If you can't learn to say things in love with respect of another person's feelings and personal tastes...then don't talk to me.


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