I have to look this word up for a complete definition of this word. Maybe with the true definition I'll begin to understand why it's so difficult to be a responsible adult. Maybe...
Could it be because that some of us are taught that we are allowed to be selfish beings that live for ourselves? I honestly believe that children are taught selfishness. Humans may be naturally self-inclined, but not to this extent. This makes me think that "irresponsible" mothers pass on this trait to their children by doing everything for them and not allowing them to be taught to be responsible for themselves, how to pick up after themselves, how to take care of others (especially when someone needs help), and how to do it without a bad attitude! There is a definite lack of people being taught by their parents to want to help, to do it with a smile, to enjoy taking care of others.
—Related forms
Could it be because that some of us are taught that we are allowed to be selfish beings that live for ourselves? I honestly believe that children are taught selfishness. Humans may be naturally self-inclined, but not to this extent. This makes me think that "irresponsible" mothers pass on this trait to their children by doing everything for them and not allowing them to be taught to be responsible for themselves, how to pick up after themselves, how to take care of others (especially when someone needs help), and how to do it without a bad attitude! There is a definite lack of people being taught by their parents to want to help, to do it with a smile, to enjoy taking care of others.
said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
not capable of or qualified for responsibility, as due to age, circumstances, or a mental deficiency.
not responsible, answerable, or accountable to higher authority: irresponsible as a monarch.
an irresponsible person.
—Related forms
ir·re·spon·si·bil·i·ty, ir·re·spon·si·ble·ness, noun
ir·re·spon·si·bly, adverb
—Synonyms 1. unreliable, undependable, thoughtless.
But whether or not you enjoy it, it is your responsibility to atleast take care of yourself! This is before you have a family... when you have a family it's your responsibility to take care of THEM before yourself! Why is this such a foreign concept? Putting others before yourself? Are we that far removed from decent times when people took care of each other simply because you were on the same earth, neighbors.
These days people can't even take care of themselves properly. It's sad when parenting has started to fail so miserably that it's taking over the bigger part of society, children growing into adults having children and continuing the trend of selfishness. Just taking advantage of everyone around them.
Makes me sad and angry.