I Have Resolved

New year, new lists. I don't even remember last years list, although I'm sure it'd be interesting to sit and read through it and see how many things I did accomplish and how many I didn't and try to add them back on for this year. I would like to be one of those people that actually resolves and stays resolved as the years continue forward, even though I know life hands you different circumstances and you can't always do everything like you plan to.

So, my list this year is large and spread out! I have so many things I want to do and accomplish and continue.

1. Garden again. I loved gardening last year and plan on starting one again this year. I'm going to start planning it out in the beginning of next month. The vegetables I want to grow again, the ones I want to try this year and the ones I probably won't do again because I apparently am not successful with them lol. I'm adding: Strawberries, Blueberries, Tomatoes (Not a complete list, yet). I'm extinguishing: Peas, Corn, Watermelon. I have not decided on the fate of Beans this year. They grew like weeds, but tasted terrible! I'm continuing: Cucumbers.

2. Garage Sale this time for sure. I never actually got AROUND to having a successful garage sale, days when I was off my parents weren't or the weather didn't agree or some of us were not prepared so this year for SURE I am going to have a series of garage sales to get rid of all of this junk one piece at a time.

3. Stick to a STRICT budget. Some months I am better at this than others, but for sure I'm going to have to be much better at being consistent in this area because the moment I stop paying attention to our finances I see money get wasted and I spend too much time scolding myself when I could just avoid all of that by continuing to be careful with our money and where it goes. (Whew! That was a long sentence!)

4. Pay OFF atleast 4 more Bills entirely. We paid off alot of medical bills last year, which was a huge thing. We also had to replace two vehicles and paid for one entirely in cash, Eric's car will be completely paid off next month and we are completely excited to be having that extra money freed up to go towards the next bill in line. Continue that debt snowball! Plus, we will have our last medical bill paid off within the next few months, also. Have I told you how awesome it feels to be able to put a huge black line through a bill on our debt calendar (I made a huge list of all of our debt in order of amounts on a board and everytime we pay one off we get the biggest black marker we own and cross it right out!)???? It feels AWESOME! I make a big huge ceremony with my own made up music and all...

5. Go through each room one at a time and SERIOUSLY DOWNSIZE. I do this all the time, well, atleast every year and this year it's going to be harsher than before! Although I may end up with almost no clothes when it's all said and done because 90% of my clothing I've owned since I was a teenager and it just shows it's wear very obviously and I can't excuse keeping it around anymore. I'm actually starting this process tomorrow for the next step...

6. Assemble storage unit, STORE everything not used on a daily basis. Well, not everything. But most everything, lol. Unfortunately I have mentioned several several times how this house has no storage space, well it occurred to me a few months back that there was nothing stopping us from getting our own storage building and being able to store this stuff that we don't use regularly (Golf Clubs, Softball Equipment, Musical equipment, Ryley's baby stuff and old clothes/toys, Childhood memory trunks, Christmas stuff, luggage, etc). Well, gratefully we didn't have to buy one because my parents had an extra one in pieces that they gave us generously! So, this week we will begin the assembling process and hopefully finish it by next week just in time for Eric's vacation! Then he can start organizing the storage shed with all of our stuff...

7. Tub up everything, label, Get Ready for Storage! This is apart of the previous number, but it deserves it's own mentioning because it is no small task. This means I have to go through all of Ryley's tubs and get rid of more clothes so that each size can fit into one 18 gallon rubbermaid container, be labeled and stored away. (Most of that is already done, but there's a few I have slacked on.)

8. Buy my Sony Alpha Camera. I have been saving money for months for this camera. I am excited about the day I get to buy it and start on that photography journey in my mind. I'm also excited about the prospect of taking classes this fall to learn how to use lighting, features on my camera and extra lenses (which I'd like to buy eventually).

9. Make a plan for Eric to finish his degree. This has been on our "list" for a while, but this year I think it's time to start figuring out what it's going to take for him to finish it and really get a career in his chosen field instead of trying to make "retail" jobs work out. I just want a life where I know he can continue to climb and make a good salary with good benefits. Who knows if that's available in this area?? Idk. But I do know that he needs to finish his degree to be able to answer those questions... BACK ON THE LIST IT GOES!

10. Enroll Ryley in summer sports. We have entered the part of our lives when it is definitely time for our child to learn how to work in a group and be accountable to another "adult" that isn't family. He hasn't had any of this experience like other kids get because we aren't able to go to church on even a semi-regular basis so he doesn't even get "sunday school teacher" roles in his life. And I will be homeschooling him so... sports will be a good opportunity for him to start learning those basics.. we're excited. Plus, it's great for them to get to play with kids their age and run around and exhaust themselves!

11. Go to the beach, regularly. Yes, this is a pleasure thing. I'm going to buy a pass this year and I plan on going regularly. I wish I had last year, the few times I went we had so much fun and I wished I had been able to and "remember" to do it more often. Ryley loves to swim and so do I.

12. Start a regular exercise routine. I am going to get a gym membership. That's simply all there is to it. Even if it's at just the Y, I'm determined after this baby pops out that I will start atleast 3 days a week to get myself into shape and put myself back on that "priority" list that I have dropped off of for so many years. It's time. Past time.

Ok. I will probably add, or make another list to add to this one.. (knowing me), but this will certainly do for now. I'm going to print this list out and post it on my refrigerator and when I accomplish something or start to work on it, I will put a smiley face next to it and remind myself to congratulate myself on a job WELL DONE!

And now....adding... a few.... more... items... (sigh).

13. Start a real savings account for Ryley. This one I'm unsure about, although we continue to put money in his piggy bank I'm leery of putting any extra money away for this right now until all of our bills are paid in full and our emergency fund is fully funded. But, I may change my mind. On Hold.

14. To Finally have my own Herb Garden! I had completely forgotten about this part of the garden! Will be adding this to the list! In Progress.

15. To get out my sewing machine and start learning to sew! Don't judge me too harshly for not having the time for this one last year. I will put it on my list, but I'm still unsure if I'll have the time this year either, considering the extra child on it's way and all. lol In Progress.

16. To start the process of canning, preserving, freezing fresh produce for a nice pantry.e for a nice pantry. I am still determined to do this, as we speak I am orderly canning books and a canning kit. Look out canning, here I come! In Progress.

17. To begin my very own compost pile! (I have started this recently just with my kitchen scraps) I still have one! I have yet to use the compost, which I will use this gardening season, but I have to start back up using my kitchen scraps to add to it for a new compost pile this year. I'm excited to see how awesome it makes my vegies taste! Check! and In Progress!

18. To get a food processor and begin using the cook book I got for christmas "Deceptively Delicious". Back on the list for sure! In Progress!

19. To venture out to local farms and pick my own fruit, vegetables, berries! What fun! DEFINITELY going back on my list! I'm determined! I want those berries, fruits, vegies! Plus, I really want to have that experience I think it would be so much fun for me and Ryley. In Progress!

20. Eliminate ALL processed foods from our diet (This will be a HARD ONE, but lets see if we can succeed) Ok, haven't done this in the least lately. You know something about pregnancy makes you not want to work so hard in some areas and cooking was one of them for me. BAD ME! I do have to get back to "basic" cooking and eliminate more of the processed junk again. Although we still do not have soda in our home, I have made alot of compromises that I need to stop. In Progress!

21. Pack up and store all DVD boxes in container. Use extra storage for Ryley/baby. This is back on the list! In Progress!

22. Organize photos and store in albums. Partially done, atleast this project was started! I just need to finish it. Hopefully before baby arrives lol, which will make it even moreeeee of a mundane task. Although 6 weeks is a long time to be able to "organize", we'll see. But it is on the list. In Progress!

25. Copy wedding photos, Scan and give photo albums back! Ok, I'm starting to wish I hadn't re-read these blogs because my list is just growing and growing lol. Although this is pretty important... In Progress!
Now, this list is pretty complete I'd say.


Rachel said…
I love this list! The garden and black marker!

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