How'd we do?

Ok, so after the last blog I decided that I should go back over last year's many "lists" and see how many things I actually kept myself to and how many I needed to ADD to this year's to do's. Here is what I found...
 Goals: 2010
1. Make a plan for financial independence, stick to it. Fairly successful with this one, but as you read from my previous post it has been added back onto this year's (and will be continued to be added as year's progress because it's something I have to continue.)

2. Fix up and sell/trade Eric's car for a "family friendly" vehicle (anything that can fit more than one car seat/regular sized person in the back seat). I really didn't need to do much for this one because Eric's car was totalled at the end of August 2010 and we replaced his car with a Jeep Grand Cherokee which does fit two carseats in the back of it and is much more family friendly than his previous car. Check!

3. Create a Nest Egg/Emergency fund. Have it, although it will be completed when we receive our tax refund in February. Check!

4. Start a real savings account for Ryley. This one I'm unsure about, although we continue to put money in his piggy bank I'm leery of putting any extra money away for this right now until all of our bills are paid in full and our emergency fund is fully funded. But, I may change my mind. On Hold.

5. Get Medical/Dental/Vision insurance for our family, as well as life insurance for us all. Done and done and done! Check!

6. Have garage sales and utilize craigslist to downsize junk and declutter our lifestyle! I mentioned my failure in this area in my previous blog, also. But have a plan to utilize this important tool this year, for sure! In Progress.
7. To Finally have my own Herb Garden! I had completely forgotten about this part of the garden! Will be adding this to the list! In Progress.

8. To get out my sewing machine and start learning to sew! Don't judge me too harshly for not having the time for this one last year. I will put it on my list, but I'm still unsure if I'll have the time this year either, considering the extra child on it's way and all. lol In Progress.

9. To start the process of canning, preserving, freezing fresh produce for a nice pantry.e for a nice pantry. I am still determined to do this, as we speak I am orderly canning books and a canning kit. Look out canning, here I come! In Progress.

10. To start a vegetable garden and also plant some fruit trees for a future orchard! I DID start a vegetable garden and the latter part of this my parents actually did. Orchards...not so easy as they sound. Check!

11. To begin my very own compost pile! (I have started this recently just with my kitchen scraps) I still have one! I have yet to use the compost, which I will use this gardening season, but I have to start back up using my kitchen scraps to add to it for a new compost pile this year. I'm excited to see how awesome it makes my vegies taste! Check! and In Progress!

12. To get a food processor and begin using the cook book I got for christmas "Deceptively Delicious". Back on the list for sure! In Progress!

13. To venture out to local farms and pick my own fruit, vegetables, berries! What fun! DEFINITELY going back on my list! I'm determined! I want those berries, fruits, vegies! Plus, I really want to have that experience I think it would be so much fun for me and Ryley. In Progress!

14. Eliminate ALL processed foods from our diet (This will be a HARD ONE, but lets see if we can succeed) Ok, haven't done this in the least lately. You know something about pregnancy makes you not want to work so hard in some areas and cooking was one of them for me. BAD ME! I do have to get back to "basic" cooking and eliminate more of the processed junk again. Although we still do not have soda in our home, I have made alot of compromises that I need to stop. In Progress!

15. Clear off shelves in kitchen to use as a pantry. Done! Although, the "pantry" part needs to be utilized more, meaning I need more canned goods! lol Hopefully of my own making! Check! and In Progress!

16. Store Clothes (Ryley's small sizes) and tubs in container. Empty boxes, etc. Toys packed up also. Check!
17. Buy dressers to put Eric's clothes away. Check!

18. Go through and organize laundry shelf/laundry room. Get a storage unit? Check!

19. Under bed storage containers? Thankfully I won't need to do this anymore since we're actually getting a storage shed.

20. Pack up and store all DVD boxes in container. Use extra storage for Ryley/baby. This is back on the list! In Progress!

21. Sell un-needed items to make room for baby stuff. (PS1, Atari, Shoes, Etc.) On the list already. Although I've been informed I'm not allowed to sell the Atari. :( In Progress!

22. Go through and downsize books? Done! Check!

23. Organize photos and store in albums. Partially done, atleast this project was started! I just need to finish it. Hopefully before baby arrives lol, which will make it even moreeeee of a mundane task. Although 6 weeks is a long time to be able to "organize", we'll see. But it is on the list. In Progress!

24. Copy wedding photos, Scan and give photo albums back! Ok, I'm starting to wish I hadn't re-read these blogs because my list is just growing and growing lol. Although this is pretty important... In Progress!

25. Go through baby things and downsize. Done, although I'm going to have to just re-add some of the stuff and alot of new stuff to this lol considering baby on it's way! Hello! Check!

WHEW! Ok. Let's take inventory on all of the great things I get to accomplish this year! Won't I feel completely organized and downright thrifty when I get done with this year!


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