Gardening and what not

Life has not been so over exciting lately.

I tell you most of the joy of gardening is sitting back and watching the plants grow. It feels good to work the ground, to get dirty and sweaty, and to know that you're being productive. And that the work you do now, will be productive later also. I like waking up and looking at how much my plants have grown just over night, they really do grow alot over night too. Just like babies. I water them, I weed them, I baby them....because I'm hoping for some nice big juicy crops, lol.

I've been playing more piano lately. My fingers remember what to do and it's nice to know they haven't forgotten. They hadn't gotten too stagnant. I think it's partially my mind too, I remember what the music sounds like so I know how to make my fingers move. It's relaxing. Except when somebody oh so rudely turns the tv on when I'm playing. I hate that. It's so rude. It's like turning the tv on when you're in the middle of a conversation. Blah. Some people.

We got a new pet for Ryley, or rather I caught him a pet whilest watering my little buds. I was getting water from the stream for my watermelons and low and behold there was this little baby Alligator snapping turtle. So I caught it and we cleaned out the 40 gallon tank and we now have a little "Bob" to look at every morning and feed. A little adventure here, a little adventure there...leads to a very adventurous life full of little things learned. It's fun to watch things grow.

When I was younger I caught caterpillars in a park and brought them home. I put them in a bowl on my dresser and fed them and after a few months of that pretty soon they climbed up my wall to create their chrysallis and I got to watch them become butterflies in the early morning. It was very cool and I hope to share those kinds of experiences with Ryley.

We take out Grandpas riding mower out and water the watermelons and we mowed the lawn yesterday. It was fun. I want to raise kids that love to work, know how to work, and love to be productive.

So far, so good. ;)


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