My sweet, sweet tax refund

I got to do my taxes tonight and I am sooooo excited! I am so happy to have some money to accomplish things that are in dyer need of accomplishment! I already have all my money accounted for, naturally. So, here's a small, but important list that I have so far...

1. Savings Account Fund

2. Ryley's Saving Account Fund

3. Pay Car insurance through November

4. Pre-Pay Propane

5. Fix A/C and CD Player in Explorer

6. Buy a crib and misc. baby supplies (reuseable diapers)

7. Put the rest towards a car

It'll be nice one of these days when our tax refund will just be "extra" money, but for now it's still like a relief fund. I'm sure it is for alot of people, this economy is just really poor right now. It's not easy to be successful, but I intend on it in our future.

We got a letter today that really brightened my day... I won't go into detail, but it just made it affirmative that we will have a bright future coming up very quickly, financially! And I'm thankful for that.


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