My awesome finds!

Well, I am very excited and yes I am becoming somewhat addicted to thrift stores. Just off of what I bought today and yesterday I consider it to be a big success! I didn't necessarily get things I was looking for, but I did get things I have considered getting but didn't want to pay full price. So things worked out GREAT! Here's some pictures of the stuff I found today...
1. A booster seat, because Ryley has started refusing to sit in his highchair and only wants to sit in "big people" chairs. So this is perfect! I only paid $2, sweet!
2. A plastic lap table to color, with neat-o storage compartments on each side for crayons and other stuff! $1
3. A WAFFLE IRON! This is my favorite find because I have been wanting one of these for years! $2
4. This find I have to credit to my dad. I have been searching for one of these for a while, also. A leather tool belt for Ryley! $3

5. This picture is of my neat-o find from yesterday, the wooden child-size table. $8
So I'm all pumped up to go to springfield on friday and try my luck up there for the stuff I'm actually looking for lol. I'm doing a happy dance!


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