
I hate being sick, in fact, I'm sick of being sick. I have a terrible time remembering to take my vitamins, which is even worse because that means I forget to give Ryley his! Gees.

I have no fancy things to say, mostly because I'm too distracted watching The Office.

But I have enough brain movement to jot down a few goals for this year for me and my family...

1. Pay down debt.

2. Sell/Trade Eric's car and get something a little more realistic. (Journey!)

3. Start saving for our complete savings account.

4. Be more responsible with my time.

5. Start my own business!

6. DOWNSIZE! Garage sale, Craigslist, Ebay here we come!

I could go on and on because there's tons I want to do this year, but I think this is a pretty good list for now. One thing at a time. No need to overwhelm myself!

I'd really like to start making things to sell. Memory books, baby books, pregnancy journals and even when I start learning how to use my sewing machine, nursery sets. I have alot of ideas, it's just time to put the into action.

One thing we're really praying for this year (sort of a goal, sort of out of our hands!) Eric to be promoted to a store manager sometime in the near future. Because I'd like to be able to have the option to not work as much and be able to devote more time to Ryley and my business ideas. I hate having to be away from him so much.


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