Cut and pasted

My life kind of feels cut and pasted. I wish it felt more like roots. Hard to really have roots after being up-rooted at the age of 16 and planted again in far different soil with barely any sunshine.

I wish I could find some place where I felt like I belonged there, because I have yet to find such a place here. I always feel like a fish out of water. Am I the only one?

What I've discovered through life...

Nothing is permanent.

No friendship is forever, not even that forever best friend you're SO close to, eventually you both will change and your lives will go in different directions.

Love is NOT a feeling. Feelings are feelings, love is a committment to be there when those feelings aren't ones of a cuddly nature. And so much more, but mostly it's a steadfast resolved committment to something or someone to be there when the fun runs out.

This world is broken. It doesn't add up like math, unfortunately. Most of the time 1+1 doesn't equal 2. There are no explanations for most of the tragedies in the world, just that it's broken.

People give the devil WAY too much credit.

There is no possible way to be a perfect parent. Not even with all the knowledge in the world, (the world is BROKEN). The best thing anyone can do for their children is to encourage them to have a real relationship with God and to follow his lead. And to not fill their lives with our petty human misconceptions, and theologies! (Which will be hard for me!)

I want to find out how to harness the power of "I think I can" and turn it into "I know I can" and eventually "I did it!". Any suggestions?


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